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Slnečný majer hotel offers accommodation in modern-style rooms, namely:


  • Double rooms; 
  • 2 suites with fireplace; 
  • Extra bed on request.


Each room is equipped with a bathroom, a toilet, cable connection and a TV set.


Other services: laundry washing, ironing and cleaning, morning call, room service, central safe at the reception, sale of basic drugstore products, the reception open 24 hours a day.






Accommodation in the hostel is designed for schools and organized groups. There are: 4 rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom with toilet, a TV set available in the hostel.

The minimum number of people is 12.
The maximum number of people is 30.
The minimum number of nights is 5.



All-year accommodation




Designed for families with children, school trips or trips with friends.
There are four cottages available (Prvosienka, Bleduľa, Snežienka, Čakanka).
The price for 5 people is 85 €.
There is a living room, a bedroom, a TV set, a kitchen, a bathroom and a toilet in the cottage.

